Understanding SQLITE_BUSY

I recently stumbled upon a strange occurrence in an ORM’s query retry implementation for SQLite. Some of my queries were getting stuck in a retry loop and eventually failing with SQLITE_BUSY errors, on hitting max retry limits. While debugging the problem, it helped to understand SQLITE_BUSY better, by going through different parts of the official documentation and drawing parallels to some well-understood concepts1. I’m writing this post hoping that my high-level understanding, and refs/pointers to SQLite docs, might help others debugging similar issues.

NOTE: If you’re just looking for a way to handle SQLITE_BUSY errors, skip to this section.

When does it happen

SQLite allows concurrent2 transactions by letting clients open multiple connections3 to a database. Concurrent writes may cause race conditions though, leading to inconsistent data. To prevent this, databases usually provide some guarantees to protect against race conditions. SQLite guarantees that concurrent transactions are completely isolated4. This means that even though transactions may be processed concurrently, from a user’s perspective SQLite behaves as if it has processed transactions in a serial order with no concurrency.

To prevent violation of this isolation guarantee, and to preserve the integrity of the database, SQLite rejects some queries with SQLITE_BUSY errors. It’s left to the user to decide how to retry failed queries (discussed further towards the end).

SQLite may be setup in different ways, and each setup uses a different algorithm to make sure that concurrent transactions remain isolated. Because of this, the scenarios causing SQLITE_BUSY errors may change depending on the setup. We try and look at some of these setups, to understand scenarios under which the error may show up.

Actual serial execution using transaction behaviours

In SQLite, transactions may exhibit one of three behaviours. DEFERRED (default) or IMMEDIATE or EXCLUSIVE

/* ...  Some SQL read and write statements */

One way to achieve isolation is to enforce serial execution ie. allow only one transaction at a time.

Starting transactions with EXCLUSIVE behaviour enforces serial execution by acquiring a exclusive lock at the beginning of a transaction. Once a transaction acquires a lock, other concurrent transactions trying to acquire a lock, fail with a SQLITE_BUSY error. The lock is retained till a transaction either commits or aborts.

NOTE: IMMEDIATE behaviour uses a different kind of lock which allows concurrent readers, but blocks other concurrent writers (discussed further in Rollback journal section).

But running only one transaction at a time, might not be performant.

DEFERRED behaviour

DEFERRED behaviour, on the other hand, allows multiple transactions to run concurrently, which allows queries from multiple transactions to get interleaved. SQLite makes sure that transactions remain completely isolated & prevents race conditions even in this mode.

In case you’re interested, here’s a nice talk, which covers issues that can come up with concurrent transactions in the absence of isolation.

Let’s look at how isolation is implemented for concurrent transactions using DEFERRED behaviour.

Atomic commit

SQLite uses a journal or log for implementing atomic commit & rollback, which ensures that if a transaction is interrupted due to crash or power failure, the database can get back to its previous state. We’ll look at the two5 journaling modes SQLite supports, Rollback journal and WAL. Both modes implement isolation differently.

Rollback journal and 2PL

In this mode, locks are used to implement isolation. The locks acquired are coarse-grained and apply to the entire database. The locks permit a single writer and simultaneous readers from concurrent transactions to co-exist. Writers holding a RESERVED lock block writers from other concurrent transactions. Writers holding a PENDING lock block readers and writers from other concurrent transactions.

Algorithm description

Transaction wanting to read acquires a SHARED lock. Multiple transactions can hold this lock simultaneously. Transaction wanting to write acquires a RESERVED lock. Only one transaction can hold this lock at a time, others wanting to write fail with SQLITE_BUSY. A transaction may upgrade it’s SHARED lock to a RESERVED lock to write after a read, but not vice versa. When comitting, SQLite upgrades RESERVED lock to a PENDING lock when the transaction looks to commit. PENDING lock waits for readers to finish reading and blocks new readers from acquiring SHARED with SQLITE_BUSY. PENDING lock is upgraded to EXCLUSIVE lock after all SHARED locks are released. If a transaction tries to commit with a PENDING lock, it fails with a SQLITE_BUSY error. More details can be found here

Implementation details
From SQLite's documentation:

In rollback mode, SQLite implements isolation by locking the database file and preventing any reads by other database connections while each write transaction is underway. Readers can be be active at the beginning of a write, before any content is flushed to disk and while all changes are still held in the writer's private memory space. But before any changes are made to the database file on disk, all readers must be (temporally) expelled in order to give the writer exclusive access to the database file. Hence, readers are prohibited from seeing incomplete transactions by virtue of being locked out of the database while the transaction is being written to disk. Only after the transaction is completely written and synced to disk and commits are the readers allowed back into the database. Hence readers never get a chance to see partially written changes.

Source: https://www.sqlite.org/isolation.html

This locking algorithm is commonly called Two-phase locking (2PL). It’s important to note that in 2PL, a transaction’s lock is released only after it concludes.

Shared cache mode

Going slightly off topic, SQLite offers an alternate concurrency model in shared-cache mode, meant for embedded servers. In this mode, SQLite allows connections from the same process to share a single data & schema cache.

From SQLite’s documentation:

Externally, from the point of view of another process or thread, two or more database connections using a shared-cache appear as a single connection

Locks are used to implement isolation here as well. Shared cache offers more fine-grained table level locks though. Tables support two types of locks, “read-locks” and “write-locks”. On failing to acquire lock, queries fail with a SQLITE_LOCKED error.

Algorithm description
From SQLite's documentation:

At any one time, a single table may have any number of active read-locks or a single active write lock. To read data a table, a connection must first obtain a read-lock. To write to a table, a connection must obtain a write-lock on that table. If a required table lock cannot be obtained, the query fails and SQLITE_LOCKED is returned to the caller. Once a connection obtains a table lock, it is not released until the current transaction (read or write) is concluded.

WAL mode and SSI

WAL mode is considered to be significantly faster than rollback journal in most scenarios6. It permits simultaneous readers and writers from concurrent transactions. A writer while writing to disk, blocks writers from other concurrent transactions though.

From SQLite’s documentation:

WAL mode permits simultaneous readers and writers. It can do this because changes do not overwrite the original database file, but rather go into the separate write-ahead log file. That means that readers can continue to read the old, original, unaltered content from the original database file at the same time that the writer is appending to the write-ahead log. In WAL mode, SQLite exhibits “snapshot isolation”. When a read transaction starts, that reader continues to see an unchanging “snapshot” of the database file as it existed at the moment in time when the read transaction started. Any write transactions that commit while the read transaction is active are still invisible to the read transaction because the reader is seeing a snapshot of database file from a prior moment in time.

Instead of acquiring a lot of locks like 2PL, a transaction continues hoping that everything will turn out all right. When a transaction performs a read eventually followed by a write and tries to commit, SQLite checks if database was changed after the read, by some other concurrent transaction. If yes, the transaction fails with a BUSY_SNAPSHOT error and has to be re-tried.

It’s important to note that BUSY_SNAPSHOT is an extended error code. It is disabled by default and will show up as a SQLITE_BUSY error instead.

This is similar to serializable snapshot isolation(SSI) as implemented in PostgreSQL.

Locks used in WAL mode

In WAL mode, there are some cases where locks are used and one might see SQLITE_BUSY errors.

Single writer

SQLite supports only one writer at a time.

From SQLite’s documentation:

When any process wants to write, it must lock the entire database file for the duration of its update. But that normally only takes a few milliseconds.

When SQLite tries to access a file that is locked by another process, the default behaviour is to return SQLITE_BUSY.

Use of exclusive locking mode by a database connection also causes SQLITE_BUSY errors for others. It’s used in a couple of scenarios.

Show scenarios


From SQLite's documentation:

When the last connection to a particular database is closing, that connection will acquire an exclusive lock for a short time while it cleans up the WAL and shared-memory files. If a second database tries to open and query the database while the first connection is still in the middle of its cleanup process, the second connection might get an SQLITE_BUSY error.

`EXCLUSIVE` locking mode is used to transfer data from WAL back to the original database. See [checkpointing](https://www.sqlite.org/wal.html#checkpointing) for more details.


From SQLite's documentation:
> If the last connection to a database crashed, then the first new connection to open the database will start a recovery process. An exclusive lock is held during recovery. So if a third database connection tries to jump in and query while the second connection is running recovery, the third connection will get an SQLITE_BUSY error.

Wait and Retry

SQLITE_BUSY errors can pop up in between a transaction (apart from IMMEDIATE/EXCLUSIVE modes where transaction fails at the beginning itself). One way to handle such cases is to wait a bit, hoping that the problem resolves itself, and retry either the problematic query or the entire transaction.

Re-trying just the problematic query would be faster, but will not always succeed. One example is in WAL mode’s BUSY_SNAPSHOT error scenario. The isolation guarantee will not allow the transaction to commit with a stale read and just re-trying the query after some time will not help. The entire transaction needs to be re-tried with a fresh snapshot by re-doing the select queries.

Even in Rollback journal mode, there are cases where waiting for locks to be released and re-trying just the problematic query doesn’t help. Let’s try and understand these cases.


The 2PL algorithm is susceptible to deadlocks, where concurrent transactions block each other and can’t make progress by re-trying individual queries. Consider the scenario in the figure on the right.

Transactions Transaction1 and Transaction2 acquire a SHARED lock while reading. Then, Transaction1 acquires a RESERVED lock with a write query. When it tries to commit, the RESERVED lock gets upgraded to a PENDING lock.

Transaction1's PENDING lock waits for other SHARED locks to be released. Transaction2 can’t upgrade from a SHARED lock to a RESERVED lock since Transaction1 has a PENDING lock and is looking to commit. Both Transactions can’t make progress. Remember that in 2PL, transactions need to hold the lock till they either commit or abort. Simply waiting and re-trying the query doesn’t help. To make progress, one of them has to give up and abort.

Handling errors with busy_timeout

A user may set a busy_timeout(pragma) to make SQLite retry individual queries, on intercepting SQLITE_BUSY errors.

busy_timeout sets a busy_handler routine for the retry. busy_handler is capable of detecting cases like deadlocks & stale snapshots where transactions can’t make progress by re-trying indivdual queries. In these cases, busy_handler immediately fails the query with a SQLITE_BUSY error, allowing the application’s error handling to take over. An application may then rollback and retry the entire transaction.

In the deadlock scenario discussed in the previous section, with busy_timeout configured, Transaction2 yields it’s SHARED lock & fails with SQLITE_BUSY. Transaction1 succeeds.

NOTE: In shared cache mode, instead of using busy_timeout, the unlock notify API may be used to retry queries. It fails with a SQLITE_LOCKED error on detecting a deadlock. From a user’s perspective, the error handling may be setup the same way as with busy_timeout.


Let’s go back to the problem with the ORM’s query retry module, that I described at the start. In that situation, transactions used DEFERRED behaviour by default and ended up in deadlock and BUSY_SNAPSHOT error scenarios (I experimented with both rollback & WAL modes). The ORM implemented it’s own query level retry mechanism, which couldn’t detect these cases. It ended up re-trying the deadlocked query a bunch of times before eventually failing.

To solve the problem, I could have disabled ORM’s retry, configured busy_timeout for query re-tries and implemented my own transaction level retry. But instead, as a quick fix, I started transactions in IMMEDIATE behaviour, using a global configuration option the ORM provided. This moved SQLITE_BUSY errors to the beginning of transactions, allowing me to re-use the ORM’s query retry module to retry transactions (possibly at the expense of performance, but I was ok with that tradeoff).


  1. Algorithms like Two-Phase locking and guarantees like Serializable Snapshot Isolation have well-researched properties and side effects. Drawing parallels helped me identify SQLite side effects like deadlocks & stale snapshots faster. 

  2. Client/server database engines (such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, or Oracle) usually support a higher level of concurrency and allow multiple processes to be writing to the same database at the same time. This is possible in a client/server database because there is always a single well-controlled server process available to coordinate access. If your application has a need for a lot of concurrency, then you should consider using a client/server database. SQLite allows only one writer at a time. Source. Also read when to use 

  3. Since there’s no isolation between queries on the same connection. 

  4. Except in the case of shared cache database connections with PRAGMA read_uncommitted turned on 

  5. Rollback mode may be further subdivided into more types, which instruct SQLite on how to get rid of rollback journal on completion of transaction. Source 

  6. Although WAL mode is faster in most scenarios, it might be very slightly slower (perhaps 1% or 2% slower) than the traditional rollback-journal approach in applications that do mostly reads and seldom write. Source

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